We’re so excited to have our students back in person! Our students in grades 6-12 will meet each Sunday night in the FBC Gym from 7-8:30 PM. Here’s some info to help things go smoothly!https://www.fbcwhstudents.com/things-to-bring

We’re so excited to have our students back in person! Our students in grades 6-12 will meet each Sunday night in the FBC Gym from 7-8:30 PM. Here’s some info to help things go smoothly!https://www.fbcwhstudents.com/things-to-bring
Starting Sunday, July 12, our students will start the process of gathering in person again on Sunday evenings in the lawn behind the Activities Building. Join us from 7:00 – 8:15 PM, bring your own lawn chair, your bible and prepare to social distance! If it’s raining, we’ll meet in the gym (you’ll need a mask.) We’re looking forward to…
Attention College students! Join us on Tuesday nights for bible study. For more information, please contact Chris Menard.
Join us in celebrating the Class of 2020, as we honor our graduates during our Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 AM on July 12, 2020. Please register for this service prior to July 9 at: https://tinyurl.com/FBCWHworship Congratulations, Class of 2020! Kennedy Canada Cameron Dunlap Taylor Hollowell Griffin Johnson Cassidy Jones Morgan Lunsford Nate Norman Dakota Page Grace Rhodes Brandon…
We’re hosting a blood drive on May 31st to help in this shortage of blood resulting from COVID19 at the Activities Building from 1-4 PM. The donations will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Each donor will be screened and temperature taken before entering. Social Distancing will be enforced. Additional cleaning and disinfecting will be instituted during the drive. Please make your…
We’re opening for Public Worship on May 31, with two identical services at 10:30AM and 6:00PM. Check out the attendance guidelines below…